Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to get rid of error 5555 and 5553

Most of the SharePoint users have suffered with above event ID with following like error messages on their event log
Failure trying to synch web application 41ab2caf-d8fc-40b5-a023-41a4187ea2ab, ContentDB 38a854fe-02a8-479c-8733-4be1a04d543b. Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileApplicationNotAvailableException: No User Profile Application available to service the request. Contact your farm administrator

failure trying to synch site 2fa473d8-db01-4b9e-9968-c1ac878d5044 for ContentDB 93752cc8-9e96-4f98-bb26-987b63c57657 WebApp 7d6fdd02-dae0-43e7-829c-d9303ef078b6. All profiles failed to update. Failing site so we can try again later.

This is occur when an interruption on profile synchronization. Mainly when you move your mystite to another place example: under a new web app or else.. it will remain old my site DB  instances. Solution to this is use prepare to remove stsadm command when you’re moving the profile database to another location.

stsadm -o preparetomove -site <URL>  -oldcontentdb <GUID>

So the other users who have moved and not ran stsadm command can be use following method to treat this issue.

stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases 0

it will list if any old database exists. If it have old databases it will listed as follows. if not changed the last digit 1,2,3 … and check whether  listing old dbs
User Profile Application 'User Profile Service Application' - Partition '0c37852
ID: 38a854fe-02a8-479c-8733-4be1a04d543b  Synchronized: 6/27/2011 1:30:00 PM
ID: 93752cc8-9e96-4f98-bb26-987b63c57657  Synchronized: 6/27/2011 1:30:00 PM

Then get listed databases and delete it using deleteolddatabases command
stsadm -o sync –deleteolddatabases  0
if your listed olddatabase  digit should use for delete command as well in this case digit was 0


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

මාරුවෙන්න ඕන අයට නිකං පොතක්

මෙන්න පොත.. මේකේ පිටු 336 තියෙනවා .. Visual Studio 2003 ඉඳන් Visual Studio 2010 වලට මාරුවෙන්න ඕන අයටයි .. Visual Studio 2005 ඉඳන් Visual Studio 2010 වලට මාරුවෙන්න ඕන අයට සහ Visual Studio 2008 ඉඳන් Visual Studio 2010 මාරුවෙන්න ඕන අයටයි.
සතපහක අලාභයක් නැහැ නිකන් තමයි මේ පොත දෙන්නේ.. ඕන කෙනෙක් ඉන්නව නම් මෙතනින් ගන්න පුළුවන් …
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How to configure and customize search text box on SharePoint 2010 site

Today I will describe how to do a simple trick to change your site search box text.  No need to write your own search box or separate feature.  Hence SharePoint 2010 not has given search text box area for freely design with SharePoint designer 2010. We need to over right the feature provided with search box delegate control.
Normally SharePoint 2010 uses.  Feature to render search box. On your V4.master page this search box feature references as delegate control.  following code snap shows the way it’s rendered in V4.masterfile
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderSearchArea" runat="server">
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="SmallSearchInputBox"  Version="4"/>
In order to change the search control need to change the properties of search control feature. These feature properties are resided on following locations in the SharePoint 2010 14 hive folder

%14 Hive%\Template\Features\OSearchEnhancedFeature

There for we need to edit both SearchArea.xml files reside in those locations respectively.  Before adding property change, get a copy of both of them in the sense of any mistakes can revert back the original settings back to normal.

Right click on searchArea.xml file and open it in notepad or sharepoint designer 2010. You can see some of the properties already set in this xml file. Here I’m going to change the default text “Search this site..” to “Enter search quarry”
The files are like follows when it opens

In order to change the text you have to over write the property called “QueryPromptString” .  add following code for both files
<Property Name="QueryPromptString">Enter search Quary</Property>  
Likewise we can change some values as listed in MSDN site
After changing the searchArea.xml file save the changes made. In order to trigger this chages in site collection you need to do iisreset.
Now you can see your search text boxes get your provided default text …
